Lymm Events


Lymm Cross mural picture

What is on in Lymm in 2020

Given the spread of events & organisations that put in a huge amount of effort, there seems to be a gap around publishing dates & contact details in one location.

This site is a temporary effort, the hope is that this page will be re-directed to a community resource when we get this together.

Information on this page is collated from publicly available sources. Please let me know of any errors / omissions via the contact form at the bottom of the page.




Month When What? Details, further information

Cancelled for 2020

Easter Monday - 13th April 2020

Cancelled for 2020

Lymm Duck Race

The Village centre is closed to through traffic. Can get busy. Best to book lunch to warm up.

expected start 12:30pm


Cancelled for 2020

Saturday 16th May 2020

Cancelled for 2020

Lymm May Queen

Lymm May Queen Festival, on the May Queen Field, Pepper Street

procession starts 1pm


Cancelled for 2020

Thursday 18th to Sunday 28th June 2020

Cancelled for 2020

Lymm Festival

(multiple events, every day across the 10 days)

Additional events throughout the year e.g. "Winter Warmers"

10 days of various activities around the village, starting with the Food Fest on Thursday evening.

See the website for further information, comprehensive festival schedules are usually published around March.

June Sunday 28th June 2020

Cancelled for 2020

Lymm Transport Day

Lots going on across the village, see the website for details. Food, activities on the May Queen field and around the village centre. Park and ride(s) in operation, using vintage buses

May Queen Field, Pepper Street

August The Sunday in August closest to 12th August (would have been 9th Aug 2020)

Cancelled for 2020

Lymm Rushbearing (unofficial link)

Starting at the Lower Dam (4pm), then the Dingle and back, then ending at St Mary's Church for a short service at approx 4.30pm

Dates TBC (early Sept); Typically Friday 6pm - 11pm

Saturday Noon - 11pm

(assumed cancelled for 2020)

Lymm Beer Festival 

Beer festival, live music & food at Lymm Village Hall, Pepper Street on Friday evening & most of Saturday.

Also see the Lymm Round Table website

December 24th December 2020; 7pm Carols round the Cross From 7pm, roads close from 6.30pm. Fantastic atmosphere, can be very busy.
December 26th December 2020 (TBC) Steam Engine Rally

Boxing Day rally of local steam engines, to watch / view. Typically moving between the Jolly Thresher, the Wheatsheaf & the Old Number 3.

(slightly) more details via this Facebook link


& other sites: - site set up as part of the volunteer effort to provide help to people in Lymm & surrounding areas during the Covid-19 crisis

Lymm Life Magazine - monthly free magazine, containing listings for recurring events and forthcoming annual events

Lymm Pages - website for the free magazine (every other month), list of recurring events and the annual events in the current published period

Lymm Heritage Centre (website for the Heritage Centre in Lymm Village)

Lymm Parish Council - some community events publicised on these pages

Lymm Facebook Groups - these are the most active areas for questions & discussion (search Facebook for "Lymm" - some groups are closed - you will need to request to join, and you will need a Facebook account)

& the rest: (occasionally updated as at Jan 2019), includes:

Lymm Business Pages (it's not clear how up to date this is - certainly restaurants that closed 4 months earlier are still listed at Jan 2019) (appears to get limited updates at Jan 2019) (appears to get limited updates at Jan 2019)